Walk the Trail of the Bible: Join Us For One of These Incredible Biblical Expeditions

Contact Us For Our Next Bible Expedition Into Ethiopia & Egypt!

A man in a hat standing next to the pyramids.

This life-changing experience will take you to Africa, into the biblical lands of Ethiopia and Egypt for one of the most incredible adventures you could ever imagine. Follow the footsteps of Jesus, see where Genesis took place, enter where Peter and Mark preached, where Moses walked, where the Ark of the Covenant rested, the exact location where prophecy was completed, and much, much more!

Join Dr. Jim & Sherri Rankin as your hosts as they share the Bible like you've never seen it before in a land where truth has been revealed.  You can visit Ethiopia and drop back to the Old Testament, and experience what has been left behind.  Or visit Egypt, where you'll witness the pathway of Jesus and His family, and many other incredible biblical sites and locations.  Here's an idea of some of the possible locations you will experience.

The Bible in Ethiopia

You will travel nine days into the biblical land of Ethiopia's northern region to see and feel the Bible come alive from the beginning.

This is unlike any other biblical journey you will ever see, including seeing ancient pillars, tombs, palace remains, treasuries while traveling through old style villages, hidden islands, and incredible mountain tops.

This area is the kingdom of ancient Ethiopia, as seen throughout the Bible. It's where the Queen of Sheba reigned, where God spoke to Adam, and where great kings emerged to be a part of the biblical prophecy.

Plus, each evening will feature special teaching sessions by Dr. Jim and Sherri Rankin relating to the sites, while sharing the Bible's reference and the incredible walk through the Bible in Ethiopia.

Plus, Dr. Jim Rankin will share and show you the newest and most fascinating discoveries relating to the mysteries of the Bible that these areas hold.

Let's take a look at some of the locations you will witness:

Historical Sites and Biblical Sites, Ethiopia:

The northern regions of Ethiopia are mentioned throughout the Bible, and here's just a few of the many locations you will visit:

  • Axum:  Visit the St. Mary of Zion Church where the Ark of the Covenant may be hidden, and the treasury of the Ark, the Village of Matthew's ministry and his martyrdom, and also visit the towering obelisks covering the tombs of the kings, the remains of the Queen of Sheba's palace, the tomb of the Frankcense King (one of the wisemen), and much more!
  • Lalibela:  The incredible rock hewn churches built to stand guard over the first family of the Bible's  mountain.  These 11 amazing hand-cut churches were initially mountain-top caves that became the home and fortress for the Bible's first family.  And then, you will enter the Church of St. George, the most incredible of all the rock hewn churches, and the tribute it pays to one of the original guardians of this mountain, and a prominent figure in the Bible.
  • Gondar:  This is known as the Camelot of Ethiopia with it's incredible medieval castles! Ironically, this is the place which has evidence involving Noah, and tributes to him within the castle complex.  Also see the Debre Birhan Selassie Church containing it's beautiful ancient painted walls and ceilings, and some hidden pieces revealed during the visit.
  • Bahir Dar and Lake Tana:  This is another incredible location where you'll  visit the Blue Nile Falls (the beginning of the Nile River), and travel to the island where the Ark of the Covenant was held, and many artifacts still reside there today.  Plus, we will travel the massive lake to other islands to witness ancient monasteries hidden in the coffee jungles, and see hippos along the way.
  • *Plus visit a hidden village of the Ethiopian Jewish tribes of Dan or Benjamin. 
  • Plus, Dr. Jim Rankin will share and show you the newest and most fascinating discoveries relating to the mysteries of the Bible that these areas hold.

The Bible in Egypt: Historical Sites and Biblical Locations, Egypt:

You will walk the path that Jesus and His family walked as they entered into this magnificent land. You'll see what Jesus saw along the journey and witness locations mentioned throughout the Bible. Dr. Jim and Sherri Rankin takes you on the journey of the Holy Family that has never been offered before, as documented in his book, 'Footprints of Jesus' (now a historical religious text in the Library of Alexandria). Here's only a sample of what you will see:

  • Tel Basta, Sakha, Samanud: See the ruins of a great temple where Jesus fulfilled Isaiah 19:1, and the power behind it. You'll be a part of a rare opportunity to see up close the legendary crushed footprint of the young Jesus after fulfilling prophecy and leaving His mark for the world to see (this site is entrusted for it's care to Dr. Rankin and his team). Witness where Mary kneeded bread, where sweet water bubbles from a salty lake, and much more during the Holy family's travels.
  • Cairo: This metropolis was once desert with many towns scattered abroad...here we will go underground to the famous cavern that Jesus and His family lived in, Babylon where Joseph worked and where Peter visited Mark, and the incredible hanging church that holds many symbols and clues to the Holy family. Also see the Coptic Christian museum where you'll look into the past origins of many of the traditions we use today. Visit Mataryah, see the tree still standing where Jesus and His family sought shelter and Napoleon's soldiers carved their initials, the cave they lived in, and the church that covers the location today. Then to Maadi, where the family escaped onto the Nile River, and witness the Bible involved in a miracle. Then, of course, we will travel to see the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, the amazing Civilization Museum where you see the great Mummies of Egypt, The Grand Cairo Museum, the City of On where the Old Testament Joseph received his wife, the Garbage City and the magnificent Cavern Church.

Seeing, Witnessing, and Worship in Egypt:

  • Memphis: We will also visit the great Step Pyramid where Joseph stored his grain in the Old Testament, the Bent Pyramid, the Red Pyramid, and much more along the way.
  • Luxor: Visit the great land of Thebes and go down under into the tombs in the Valley of the Kings where King Tutankhamun still rests, and the tombs of Ramses, Seti and dozens more. See the incredible Karnak Temple where you'll witness the mural of Shishak's battles, Ramses II's great statues, and how Christians used the site for worship. Then onto the grand Luxor Temple and the Avenue of the Pharoahs where you'll see the great statues of King Tut, Nefertiti, and many others.And finally, walk the steps and see the grand temple of Hapshepsut. While you're in the area we'll visit an old family alabaster store.
  • Aswan: From Luxor we will drive through the desert to Aswan and visit the Kom Ombo Crocodile Temple, take a cruise on the Nile River to Philae Island the visit the Philae Temple, see the Gateway of Caesar Augustus, visit Elephantine Island where you'll find ancient Egyptian ruins but most important the Hebrew village where the Ark of the Covenant was kept in a temple, visit a Nubian home, and relax during a sunset cruise on the Nile River.
    Plus evening and on-site Bible studies, teachings and witness the Scriptures come to life like never before!

*This will be a once in a lifetime journey to see Bible come to life like never before!

It's a life-changing experience.... so, let the adventures begin!

To be a part of the adventure or for more information,

please call: (513) 256-5437 or Email: adventuresintruth@hotmail.com
(Locations are subject to change without notice)